Which Is The Best Organic Cafe in Dubai

Diet, whether it be for the body or for the soul if it is not natural, it will turn sour. Thus it is very important to keep a healthy diet so that you can grow both physically and mentally. Dubai is a luxurious place and coming to options may make you wonder WHERE TO GO? What if you can get an Organic Cafe in Dubai? YES! You read it right. Comptoir 102 brings the old but valuable techniques to your food table.

Comptoir are an online store and they deal with different stuff that includes, jewellery, accessories, designer wearables, beauty products, home products such as aromatized candles, lamps, etc. Along with this, you might come across groceries and more fashion products. Jumeirah is a place with a multicultural atmosphere but something which is common is that everyone loves to keep their body fresh and healthy. Comptoir 102 keeping this in view brings their very own Organic Food And Cafe.

This store has set a really high level for organic food production because they know what truly a body needs to stay strong and fresh for a longer time. What is so important in their food? The magic of old techniques is what sets their organic cafe apart from the rest. It feels you are enjoying an old era with a  new taste. The prime technique which these guys use seems to be outdated but it is the foundation of every healthy diet. It includes pre-soaking, fermenting, cooking at low temperatures, steaming and dehydrating. These steps bring the ultimate nutrition of food out for the consumer.

The architecture of the cafe is designed in a spacious way so that customers can enjoy and uncluttered vibes from the surrounding.

The perk is that these guys serve all the meals i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner, all being organic in nature. These meals can have the following options:

       Plant Based

       Sugar Free


       Dairy Free




       Vegan and Gluten-Free

These extremely satisfying juices and smoothies are all nutritious. Comptoir 102 makes these using organic plants or locally used fruits that are enriched with natural vitamins.




There is an all-round package also available which they call “ Organic Basket ”. As the name suggests what would you think it might have? If you guessed it, that is awesome otherwise here is a list of what they offer in this basket:


       Seasonal Fruits and vegetables


       6 eggs from their local farm


       A crusty loaf of homemade bread


       1.5 L of  their own homemade almond mylk


Now comes the best part which everyone awaits for and that is the Delivery option so YES! YES! Comptoir 102 does give you this option but it is viable for Dubai only. Mentioning so much benefits, one can surely see that it is the Best Cafe in Dubai.


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