Breakfast Options in Dubai For Health Conscious People

A good breakfast may be the first step towards a day well spent. A healthy breakfast loaded with nutrients can help you stay energetic for the rest of your day. Are you a health-conscious person too? Do you find it difficult to sort your breakfast and keep it from getting boring and monotonous? Well, you can go for a Healthy Breakfast in Dubai at stores like Comptoir 102.

Do you prefer to take your breakfast from a café on the go, or you prefer to make it at home? If you like to bring ingredients home and mix and match combinations in your meals you need to go get some organic groceries.

Following are some of the healthy breakfast options for you in Dubai:

1.      Fruity Oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in fiber and the healthiest grain out there. Pair it up with berries, slice a banana, and finally add some dates or raisins for a sweet flavor. In this way, you may be able to avoid any artificial sugars at all. Another thing to not forget is, nuts. Be it almonds, walnuts, or peanuts, incorporate some for healthy fats.

2.      Savory Oatmeal

If you do not enjoy sweet flavor every day for breakfast, savory oatmeal is very much an option. In fact, it is an underrated breakfast or meal option. You can add a little salt to oats while boiling them and then top with some greens like spinach, parsley, broccoli, or kale. Besides, use some roasted mushrooms, and don’t forget to add some seeds.

3.      Whole Grain Sandwiches

White flour is one of the least components of conventional breakfast all over the world. All the healthy filling does you little good if you are using white flour for wrapping it with. You can instead get whole grains and bake some whole grain bread at home or you can get healthy multi-grain bread from a concept store. Even if you dine out at an Organic Restaurant in Dubai, you can get sandwiches made of whole-grain bread.

4.      Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is thick, tasty, and nutritious. Around five to six spoons of Greek yogurt make for a good enough serving. You can easily pair it up with multiple things to create breakfast bowls. For instance, you can add fruits like berries and bananas. Add some crunch in the form of granola, almonds, or pecans. Lastly, consider the extras like honey, spices, nut butter. It is totally upon you whether you want to take your bowl towards, sweet, or savory side.

Looking For Healthy Breakfast Options:

If you are health conscious but also stuck in the busy work life of Dubai, you might not get enough time to prepare healthy meals especially breakfasts. However, it is not a cause of worry when you have access to cafes and restaurants like Comptoir 102 for your healthy takeaways for breakfast.


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