Myths and Facts About Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is essential for living a healthy life. When you eat well you feel more energetic and less fatigued. If you don’t take care of the nutritive value of your food and rely largely on fast food on the go, it may take a toll on your health in the longer run. Hence you need to ensure that you keep adding healthy ingredients to your diet. Even if you are habitual of eating out, you can still manage healthy eating.

For instance, you can go and dine at a Healthy Restaurant in Dubai. Similarly in other countries more and more restaurants are introducing organic breakfast options. When you speak of healthy eating there will always be confusion about myths and facts.

If you are interested in debunking some myths before going ahead with a healthy eating routine, you need to read the following:

1. Diet soda is healthier than regular soda

In one-way diet soda truly contains lesser calories as compared to regular soda. It has lesser sugar contents and may appear to be a relatively healthy option. However, it contains additional ingredients that have more risk of harm to your health than effective for weight loss. Therefore the situation is not black and white.

2. Multigrain bread should be preferred over white bread

Multigrain bread has lower gluten and a lower glycemic index than white flour bread. Therefore they help with insulin resistance problems. However, in reality, food companies use refined grains in them as well. During the filtering and refining process, most of the key nutrients are lost. Therefore, while in theory, multigrain bread is better, with refined additives, they may not remain as healthy as you expect.

3. Eating late at night causes excess weight gain

People who are conscious of their health and want to lose excess weight often stop eating meals after 8 pm. The reason is that most people are compelled to believe that when you take meals late at night, you are more likely to gain weight than by eating during the day. Scientific evidence on the other hand suggests that nighttime eating and its impacts are rather complicated.

4. Kale is a healthy addition to meals

Every fruit and vegetable has a peculiar nutrient density. According to the center for disease control, kale ranked n nutrient density after 15 other greens. So if you think Kale is the best green you might want to reconsider. However, this does not imply that Kale has no benefits. It is just not the best of options that you have.
Looking For Healthy Options?

Well, look no further than Comptoir 102 in Dubai. If you are looking for a Healthy Breakfast in Dubai you can either visit them for groceries or their organic café. The variety in the menu is exquisite and may leave you fascinated on your first visit.


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