What Does Healthy Breakfast in Dubai Look Like?

Middle Eastern breakfast has its peculiarities. Dubai being the economic hub invites people from all over the world for work and permanent residence. These people then go back to their motherlands take their liking for Middle Eastern cuisine with them. Especially the breakfast combinations that people in Dubai have access to are now liked in various parts of the world.

Are you new in Dubai and are looking for a Healthy Breakfast in Dubai? There are many cafes that offer organic and healthy eating options. Besides, in Dubai, it is extremely easy to find groceries for organic meals. The reason is, Middle Eastern cuisine is one of the healthiest cuisines in the world. It incorporates lean proteins, healthy grains, and lots of vegetables.

Some of the breakfast options are as follows:

1-      Combination 1

Middle eastern are fond of good breakfasts. The top combination they take may be a fool, hummus, falafel, and pita bread. It is full of flavors, colors, and textures. If you have never had Middle Eastern breakfast before this is where you could start while keeping it healthy.

2-      Combination 2

The second combination suggested for people trying out Middle Eastern cuisine or peculiarities of Dubai is Fool, hummus, falafel, bread or kaek, and tea. The fool is basically a staple just like hummus but it never became as popular as hummus. Kaek is sesame seasoned break and falafel are fried vegetable patties that are an essential component of breakfast in The Middle East.

3-      Fool, Tamiya, kushari

The fool is like a Middle Eastern bean burrito. Fool and Tamiya are an Egyptian combination and are loved by most people hailing from the region. These are pretty healthy, and crispy hand-held snacks that can be counted in street food.   

4-      Shakshuka

Shakshuka is another simple, nutritious, and thus extraordinary dish stemming from the Middle East. It is a dish of poached eggs, with the addition of tomato, onions, and some spice or chili sauce, and is seasoned with cumin. Add chopped parsley on top to add the color. Rumor has it that healthy meals are colorful too. 

5-      Khabeesa

It is a porridge-like dish made of wheat. It is semolina or cream of grains like wheat and its consistency is maintained similar to porridge. For adding flavor, saffron, cardamom, and rosewater are often added.

Looking For Healthy Eating Options in Dubai?

Do you want to gather ingredients and try out the combinations yourself? Or are you one of those who prefer to dine out even for breakfasts? If you are looking for a place to grab your healthy breakfast in Dubai you can visit Comptoir 102 as and when you like. If you want to get ingredients you can check their Concept Store in Dubai. Healthy meals can initially look boring but as you begin to explore your options keep spreading and you begin to enjoy experimenting with them.


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